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+7 (958) 582-27-01


We can help with questions:

1. Transaction support in the Rosreestr of Moscow and the Moscow region.

2. Support in the DGI of Moscow and OMSU, the CIO of the Moscow region on land and property issues

3. Approval of alterations, reconstruction of the building / premises with subsequent amendments to the EGRN

4. Legal support in case of suspension/ refusal of state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights



Departure of the cadastral engineer

Boundary plan

Technical plan

Technical plan for the building

Technical plan for the premises under new construction, reconstruction, redevelopment

Technical plan for a residential building, residential housing

Technical plan for rent

Technical plan for registration under the dacha amnesty

Geodetic works

Architecture assistance

Topographic survey

Preparation of project documentation and technical conclusion by an organization that is a member of the SRO


Clarification of the boundaries of the land plot

Consolidation of land plots



Redistribution of parts

Removal of borders

Geodesy for the preparation of a boundary plan

Topographic for any purpose

Coordination of the boundaries of the land plot

Support of registration of land plots

Assistance to SMEs and NGOs

Support of all types of services (obtaining land for rent, including for 1 ruble, ownership, including buildings, premises)

Support of investment projects for the construction of facilities assistance in the elimination of administrative bureaucratic barriers during their implementation in the Moscow region

Assistance to businesses and the public on any complex and simple issues!

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone +7 (958) 498-31-10 or by e-mail KADASTR-BOZEP@BK.RU or personally contact the address Moscow, Mira Ave., 101 p. 2 (Alekseevskaya metro station) on reception days.

© 2021-2023 international public organization for the protection of human rights, health and well-being "BOZEP". The use of symbols and materials posted on the site is possible only after obtaining the consent of a public organization. The public organization uses cookies in order to personalize the services and improve the usability of the website. If you do not want your user data to be processed, please restrict their use in your browser. By sending us requests containing your personal data using the website forms, you consent to their processing.

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